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All About Indian Baby Girl Names and Meanings

IndianBabyNames is the authoritative website for naming your baby girl since 2003. We specialise in helping you choose the best Indian name for your baby girl. Research the meaning of names, history, origin, etymology, and fun name facts for first and last names.

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Baby Name Meaning Origins Nakshatra View Count
Bindi A dot on the forehead. the one which Indian women who put down the same in between two eyebrows, Drop, Point, Small Round to Wear on Forehead French Rohini (O, BA, BI, BU, Vee, VA, VI, VU, Bee) 45
Bobby Abbreviation of robert, Short For Robert French, United States Mrigashiras (Ve, Vo, Ka, Ki, Be, Bo) 45
Cherry Fruit, Name derived from a fruit English, French Aswini (Chu, Che, Cho, La, Chay) 40
Emily Eager, a name that often signifies a hardwroking, dilligent and an industrious person. French, United States Krithika (A, Ee, U, EA, I, E) 41
Gisele Pledge, Gisele means Pladge or Hostage. French, Germanic Dhanishta (Ga, Gi, Gu, Ge, Gee) 41
Grainne They have the ability to make the life stable, to handle people and to get the solutions of difficulties of life. French 37
Graland The one with kind and peaceful heart, ready to help and guide others and to create a peaceful atmosphere. French 35
Jaclin God may guard her French 56
Jacqui A girl who is a supplanter French 56
Jacquie A woman who supplants French 52
Jacquilyn She who takes the place of another French 57
Jacquline A girl who takes other's place French 52
Jacqulyn A young woman who takes the place of another French 31
Jaslyn A plant name, Jasmin French 30
Jasmin A flower, Praise of distinction, A name of the flower French Utharashada (Bhe, Bho, Ja, Ji) 36
Jehane God is merciful forever. French 35
Jehanne God has shown his tender mercy upon me. French 33
Jeslyn Blessed with wealth and beauty French 30
Jolena it means God will increase and well established. People with this name are cheerful and flexible in nature. They easily adopt changes in life and never regret their decisions. French, United States 35
Joyanna it means rejoicing and to enjoy. People are a bit unselfish but easily forgive others. However nice and poses the spark personality. French 30
Jule it means jewel. Such people are very precious and are loyal to their friends nd family. they have a very catchy spirit. French 35
Julee it means Jove`s Child or feminine of Julian. Such girls are jewel and spark for their friends and family and bring laughter. French, Latin 35
Juley it means youthful and the feminine version of Julius. They love and seek for true friendship. They have a eternal spirit. Australian, French 35
Kamille Kamille is Born Free, a Noble One French 31
Katriane The name means Plain,Clear French 35