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Vrishabha rashi Taurus Baby Names

Taurus, spanning April 20 to May 20, is characterized by grounded traits. Known for practicality and stability, Taureans are reliable and patient, often displaying strong determination and persistence in achieving their goals. They have a strong affinity for material comforts and may be seen as possessive or stubborn. Taureans value loyalty and tend to form deep, lasting relationships. With a keen sense of aesthetics, they appreciate beauty and may excel in creative pursuits. While often calm and composed, they can display a fierce temper when provoked. These traits associated with Taurus provide insights into their personalities, though individual differences are shaped by diverse factors beyond astrology's scope.

Baby Name Meaning Origins Nakshatra View Count
Valsala Precious Rohini (O, BA, BI, BU, Vee, VA, VI, VU, Bee) 39
Vama Woman, A lovely woman Indian Rohini (O, BA, BI, BU, Vee, VA, VI, VU, Bee) 57
Vamakeshi Goddess Durga, She who has beautiful hair Rohini (O, BA, BI, BU, Vee, VA, VI, VU, Bee) 38
Vamakshi Beautiful eyes Rohini (O, BA, BI, BU, Vee, VA, VI, VU, Bee) 38
Vamanie Power of Sky, Land and water Rohini (O, BA, BI, BU, Vee, VA, VI, VU, Bee) 38
Vamdevi Goddess Durga, Savitri Rohini (O, BA, BI, BU, Vee, VA, VI, VU, Bee) 40
Vamika Goddess Durga, An epithet of the Goddess Durga, Situated on the left side of vam, I.e. Shiva Rohini (O, BA, BI, BU, Vee, VA, VI, VU, Bee) 42
Vamil Beautiful, Beautiful, a beautiful woman Sanskrit, Assamese Rohini (O, BA, BI, BU, Vee, VA, VI, VU, Bee) 60
Vamita Goddess Parvati Rohini (O, BA, BI, BU, Vee, VA, VI, VU, Bee) 40
Vamnayi Goddess of speech, Another name for Goddess Saraswati Rohini (O, BA, BI, BU, Vee, VA, VI, VU, Bee) 37
Vamsee Flute of Lord Krishna Rohini (O, BA, BI, BU, Vee, VA, VI, VU, Bee) 38
Vamshika Flute Rohini (O, BA, BI, BU, Vee, VA, VI, VU, Bee) 38
Vamshitha Flute Rohini (O, BA, BI, BU, Vee, VA, VI, VU, Bee) 40
Vanadurga Goddess Parvati, Durga in forest, Goddess of forest Rohini (O, BA, BI, BU, Vee, VA, VI, VU, Bee) 39
Vanaja A forest girl, Born of the water, Natural Rohini (O, BA, BI, BU, Vee, VA, VI, VU, Bee) 39
Vanajakshi Forest queen Rohini (O, BA, BI, BU, Vee, VA, VI, VU, Bee) 39
Vanalika Sunflower Rohini (O, BA, BI, BU, Vee, VA, VI, VU, Bee) 40
Vanamala Garland of forests, Wildflower garland Rohini (O, BA, BI, BU, Vee, VA, VI, VU, Bee) 36
Vanani Forest Rohini (O, BA, BI, BU, Vee, VA, VI, VU, Bee) 36
Vanathi Of the forest Rohini (O, BA, BI, BU, Vee, VA, VI, VU, Bee) 40
Vanca Wish, Desire Rohini (O, BA, BI, BU, Vee, VA, VI, VU, Bee) 37
Vanchita Desired, Precious, Loved Rohini (O, BA, BI, BU, Vee, VA, VI, VU, Bee) 37
Vandana Salute, Bright star, Worship, Praise, Adoration, bright star, salutation, worship Indian Rohini (O, BA, BI, BU, Vee, VA, VI, VU, Bee) 38
Vandhana Salute, Bright star, Worship, Praise Rohini (O, BA, BI, BU, Vee, VA, VI, VU, Bee) 32
Vandhitha Thanking, Adored, Praised, Saluted Rohini (O, BA, BI, BU, Vee, VA, VI, VU, Bee) 39