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Mesha rashi Aries Baby Names

Aries, the first sign of the zodiac (March 21 - April 19), is characterized by energy, courage, and assertiveness. Independent and impulsive, they pursue passions with intensity, embracing challenges and competition. Optimistic and resilient, their quick temper fades swiftly. Aries individuals often assume leadership roles, displaying honesty and directness in communication. Their adventurous spirit drives them to explore new horizons, embodying traits associated with their symbol, the ram. While astrology offers insights into personalities, individuality is shaped by diverse factors, and traits may vary among people born under the same sign.

Baby Name Meaning Origins Nakshatra View Count
Anika Goddess Durga, The brilliance of stone, Graceful young girl Krithika (A, Ee, U, EA, I, E) 42
Anikslum Young, Gentle Krithika (A, Ee, U, EA, I, E) 41
Anila Wind, Daughter of Lord of the wind Krithika (A, Ee, U, EA, I, E) 42
Anilaja Perfect, Beautiful, The name which means she is the perfect and beautiful one Krithika (A, Ee, U, EA, I, E) 42
Anima He power of becoming small, The one who has a soul and spirit Krithika (A, Ee, U, EA, I, E) 45
Aninda Perfect, Blameless Krithika (A, Ee, U, EA, I, E) 41
Anindini Full of goodwill, Irreproachable Krithika (A, Ee, U, EA, I, E) 43
Anindita Beautiful, Virtuous, Venerated, Honoured, Irreproachable, The one who is extremely beautiful and gorgeous Krithika (A, Ee, U, EA, I, E) 46
Aninditha Beautiful, Virtuous, Venerated, Honoured, Irreproachable Krithika (A, Ee, U, EA, I, E) 33
Anirveda Not caring sorrows and suffers, Positive, Courageous, Resilient Krithika (A, Ee, U, EA, I, E) 43
Anisha Close, Intimate, Good friend, Continuous, Without darkness, Light, Unceasing, Generous, Loyal, Close, A good friend, filled with light and is supreme Krithika (A, Ee, U, EA, I, E) 43
Anishaa Close, Intimate, Good friend, Continuous, Without darkness, Light, Unceasing, Generous, Loyal, Close, A good friend who is filled with light and is supreme Krithika (A, Ee, U, EA, I, E) 42
Anishi Bright and luminous Krithika (A, Ee, U, EA, I, E) 42
Anishka Who has friends, No enemies, One who has only friends, The one who has no enemy and is the friend Krithika (A, Ee, U, EA, I, E) 41
Anishkaa Who has friends, No enemies, One who has only friends Krithika (A, Ee, U, EA, I, E) 41
Aniskha Young lady, Maiden Krithika (A, Ee, U, EA, I, E) 41
Anismita Krithika (A, Ee, U, EA, I, E) 38
Anita Who takes pleasure in new joys, Grace, Simple, Artless, Leader, Hebrew - God was gracious, God has shown favor, Pure, Chaste, Grace, It is a variation of Anna, Hebrew Krithika (A, Ee, U, EA, I, E) 43
Anitha Who takes pleasure in new joys, Grace, Simple, Artless, Leader, She is the one who is master of a charming personality and is graceful Krithika (A, Ee, U, EA, I, E) 39
Anitha Devi Regarded Krithika (A, Ee, U, EA, I, E) 28
Aniya Creative, A favour from God Krithika (A, Ee, U, EA, I, E) 38
Anja Favor, Grace, Variation of Anna, they are gracious beings Krithika (A, Ee, U, EA, I, E) 39
Anjali Homage, Offring with both hands, One who joins both hands together in prayer, Respectful, Offering with devotion to God, A mode of worship by joining hands Indian, Sanskrit Krithika (A, Ee, U, EA, I, E) 33
Anjalika One of Arjuna arrows Krithika (A, Ee, U, EA, I, E) 37
Anjaline Krithika (A, Ee, U, EA, I, E) 36