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Mesha rashi Aries Baby Names

Aries, the first sign of the zodiac (March 21 - April 19), is characterized by energy, courage, and assertiveness. Independent and impulsive, they pursue passions with intensity, embracing challenges and competition. Optimistic and resilient, their quick temper fades swiftly. Aries individuals often assume leadership roles, displaying honesty and directness in communication. Their adventurous spirit drives them to explore new horizons, embodying traits associated with their symbol, the ram. While astrology offers insights into personalities, individuality is shaped by diverse factors, and traits may vary among people born under the same sign.

Baby Name Meaning Origins Nakshatra View Count
Ambuja Born of a lotus, Goddess Lakshmi, Name of Goddess Laxmi who is born of Lotus Krithika (A, Ee, U, EA, I, E) 23
Ambujakshi One who is lotus eyed Krithika (A, Ee, U, EA, I, E) 21
Ameesha Beautiful, Without decept, Pure, Truthful, Guileless Krithika (A, Ee, U, EA, I, E) 24
Ameyaa Boundless, Magnanimous, One who is beyond measure (Celebrity Name: Madhoo (Roja)) Krithika (A, Ee, U, EA, I, E) 33
Ami Nectar Krithika (A, Ee, U, EA, I, E) 35
Amidi Beautiful, She is boundless, beautiful and majestic personality Krithika (A, Ee, U, EA, I, E) 34
Amika Friendly Krithika (A, Ee, U, EA, I, E) 31
Amilzha Krithika (A, Ee, U, EA, I, E) 29
Amindita Increadibale Krithika (A, Ee, U, EA, I, E) 34
Amirtha Beautiful Krithika (A, Ee, U, EA, I, E) 44
Amisha Beautiful, Without decept, Pure, Truthful, Guileless, They are pure, truthful and beautiful beings whith a heart of gold Indonesian Krithika (A, Ee, U, EA, I, E) 47
Amishi Pure, They have a pure and serene personality Krithika (A, Ee, U, EA, I, E) 33
Amishta Limitless, They are fearless and limitless Krithika (A, Ee, U, EA, I, E) 34
Amita Limitless, Boundless, Unmeasurable, Infinite, Eternal, The truthful one who is moderate, analytical, unselfish and soft spoken Krithika (A, Ee, U, EA, I, E) 39
Amitha Limitless, Boundless, Unmeasurable, Infinite, Eternal Krithika (A, Ee, U, EA, I, E) 37
Amithi Immeasurable, Boundless, Sanskrit name meaning boundlessness Krithika (A, Ee, U, EA, I, E) 33
Amiti Immeasurable, Boundless, A bit stubborn who are individualistic and serious natured Krithika (A, Ee, U, EA, I, E) 31
Amitjyoti Limitless brightness, The one who is always bright and sharing happiness Krithika (A, Ee, U, EA, I, E) 38
Amla The pure one, Brilliant, Another name for Lakshmi, Derived from Amala, they are clean and pure who does favours Krithika (A, Ee, U, EA, I, E) 34
Amleshlata Goddess Parvati, Amlesh - pure, Lata - a creeper, A branch, A string or thread of pearls, A slender or graceful woman, A woman in general, Name of An Apsara Krithika (A, Ee, U, EA, I, E) 28
Amlika Tamarind, A precious leaf like a Tamarind, they are fresh and clear Krithika (A, Ee, U, EA, I, E) 28
Amoda Happiness, The one sharing happiness and joy Krithika (A, Ee, U, EA, I, E) 33
Amodhini Joyful or pleasurable or Happy girl Krithika (A, Ee, U, EA, I, E) 31
Amodini Joyful, Pleasurable, Happy girl, Fragrant, Celebrated, A pleasurable human being who shares happiness and joy Krithika (A, Ee, U, EA, I, E) 37
Amogha Fruitful, The one who is fruitful, unfading and everlasting Krithika (A, Ee, U, EA, I, E) 39