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All About Indian Baby Girl Names and Meanings

IndianBabyNames is the authoritative website for naming your baby girl since 2003. We specialise in helping you choose the best Indian name for your baby girl. Research the meaning of names, history, origin, etymology, and fun name facts for first and last names.

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Baby Name Meaning Origins Nakshatra View Count
Tvisha Bright, Light, Brilliance, Happy or cheerful. Indian 32
Tvishi Ray of light, Energy, Brilliance, Determination, Impulsiveness, Lodern baby names, Refers to strength, power and glitter. Indian 38
Twarita Goddess Durga, Quick, Swift, A form of Durga, A magical formula called after her, A fast individual, Goddess Durga Indian 34
Udita One who has risen, The one who has risen Indian Krithika (A, Ee, U, EA, I, E) 54
Ujala Light, Brightness, Shining, Radiant, Luminant Indian, Sanskrit 56
Ullupi Pretty face, A girl with a pretty face. Indian Krithika (A, Ee, U, EA, I, E) 34
Umangi Khushi, Happiness, joy Indian Krithika (A, Ee, U, EA, I, E) 31
Unnati Progress, High point, Wealth, Success, Development and progress Indian Krithika (A, Ee, U, EA, I, E) 30
Urmila Humble, Enchantress (Laxman's wife; daughter of King Janak and sister of Sita), Waves of passion. It's also the name of Lakshman's wife. Indian Krithika (A, Ee, U, EA, I, E) 29
Urvi Earth, River, Both heaven and earth, Substantial, Our mother earth Indian Krithika (A, Ee, U, EA, I, E) 33
Ushma Heat, Heat Indian Krithika (A, Ee, U, EA, I, E) 33
Vaidehi Goddess Sita, Sita, Daughter of Janak, Long pepper, A cow, The princess of Videhas. Indian Rohini (O, BA, BI, BU, Vee, VA, VI, VU, Bee) 29
Vaijanti Name of a flower, Name of a mythical flower, token of victory Indian Rohini (O, BA, BI, BU, Vee, VA, VI, VU, Bee) 29
Vaishali An ancient city of India, Great, Princess, Historical City. It's also the birthplace of Bhagwan Mahavir. Indian Rohini (O, BA, BI, BU, Vee, VA, VI, VU, Bee) 34
Vallabhi Name of a Raga, One who is beloved. It's also the name of a raga. Indian Rohini (O, BA, BI, BU, Vee, VA, VI, VU, Bee) 36
Vama Woman, A lovely woman Indian Rohini (O, BA, BI, BU, Vee, VA, VI, VU, Bee) 57
Vandana Salute, Bright star, Worship, Praise, Adoration, bright star, salutation, worship Indian Rohini (O, BA, BI, BU, Vee, VA, VI, VU, Bee) 38
Vanishree One of many names of Goddess Saraswathi signifying her form holding Veena Indian, Sanskrit 40
Vapra Garden bed, Garden bed Indian Rohini (O, BA, BI, BU, Vee, VA, VI, VU, Bee) 30
Vatsha Son, Calf, Daughter, Breast, Girl, Child, Beloved, A term used for both calf and daughter. Indian Rohini (O, BA, BI, BU, Vee, VA, VI, VU, Bee) 33
Vibha Night, The Moon, Beauty, Ray of light, Brilliance, Another name of Goddess Lakshmi. It means light or radiance. Indian Rohini (O, BA, BI, BU, Vee, VA, VI, VU, Bee) 31
Vibhuti Great personality, Another name of Goddess Lakshmi. It means great personality. Indian Rohini (O, BA, BI, BU, Vee, VA, VI, VU, Bee) 30
Vidya Knowledge, Learning, Wisdom. Another name of Goddess Sarasvati Indian Rohini (O, BA, BI, BU, Vee, VA, VI, VU, Bee) 33
Vinaya Modest, Restrained, Decent, One who is modest and humble. Indian Rohini (O, BA, BI, BU, Vee, VA, VI, VU, Bee) 34
Vishali Beautiful, Nymph, Creative, One who loves gossip, Talented, One who has a big heart, Name of An Indian Goddess, Beautiful, creative, the one who has a big heart. It's also the name of an Indian Goddess. Indian Rohini (O, BA, BI, BU, Vee, VA, VI, VU, Bee) 35