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All About Indian Baby Girl Names and Meanings

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Baby Name Meaning Origins Nakshatra View Count
Nishithini Night, The quite time of midnight Hindi Anuradha (Na, Nee, Noo, Nae, Ni, Nu, Ne) 33
Nishka Honest, Night, Gold, Pure, Out of night, honest Hindi Anuradha (Na, Nee, Noo, Nae, Ni, Nu, Ne) 30
Nita Well-behaved, Guided, Modest, Moral, Carried, Red, Morality, In Hindi it means moral or faithful person. In Spanish it means God's gift. Hindi Anuradha (Na, Nee, Noo, Nae, Ni, Nu, Ne) 35
Nithi Truth, Morality, Justice, Good behavior, Truth, justice, good behaviour Hindi Anuradha (Na, Nee, Noo, Nae, Ni, Nu, Ne) 35
Niti Well-behaved, Guided, Modest, Moral, Carried, Red, Morality, A well-behaved person Hindi Anuradha (Na, Nee, Noo, Nae, Ni, Nu, Ne) 34
Nitika Principled, Moral person, Virtuous, Leader, One who follows the moral values Hindi Anuradha (Na, Nee, Noo, Nae, Ni, Nu, Ne) 36
Nivedita One dedicated to service, A girl with intelligence, One who is surrendered to God Hindi Anuradha (Na, Nee, Noo, Nae, Ni, Nu, Ne) 37
Nivedya An offering make to God Hindi Anuradha (Na, Nee, Noo, Nae, Ni, Nu, Ne) 32
Niyati Necessity, Restriction, The fixed order of things, Destiny, Fate, Destiny or the luck Hindi Anuradha (Na, Nee, Noo, Nae, Ni, Nu, Ne) 51
Omisha Smile, Goddess of birth &death;, Spirit of birth and death. Hindi Rohini (O, BA, BI, BU, Vee, VA, VI, VU, Bee) 56
Orpita Offering, Dedication or Divination to God Hindi Rohini (O, BA, BI, BU, Vee, VA, VI, VU, Bee) 31
Pinky Like a rose, Pinkish, To be of pinkish colour Hindi Uttara Phalguni (To, Pa, Pi) 31
Prakruthi Nature, Beautiful, Weather, A name meaning weather and nature Hindi, Kannada 54
Praneetha Led forward, Conducted, Advanced, Promoted, Pure water, An action of ouring water into something Tamil, Hindi 50
Pravara Eminent, An outstanding, important person Hindi 32
Preethi Love, Satisfaction, Woman who brings love and satisfaction Hindi 28
Prinaka Girl who brings heaven to earth, A woman who will bring heaven to the earth Hindi 31
Priyanshi Lovable, Dear, Loving, One who is dear Hindi 29
Pujitha To be worshipped, A worshippers's prayer Tamil, Hindi Hastha (Pu, Poo, Sha, Tha) 52
Purva Earlier, One, Elder, East, An old breeze from the East Hindi Hastha (Pu, Poo, Sha, Tha) 34
Pushpaja Nectar, A woman born from the flower Hindi, Marathi Hastha (Pu, Poo, Sha, Tha) 47
Pusti Confirmation, Healthy, Possessor of all wealth, Nourishment, Endorsement, One of the forms of the Devil Hindi Hastha (Pu, Poo, Sha, Tha) 30
Reeva River, A star, Agile, Quick, Another name for Kaali and the river Narmada, One who guides people like a river or a star Hindi Swati (Ru, Re, Ro, Ta, Roo) 34
Resha Feather, Line, Saintly, An endless straight line Hindi, Bengali Swati (Ru, Re, Ro, Ta, Roo) 43
Revathi Wealth, A star, Constellation, Musical Raagini, The star that brings prosperity Tamil, Hindi Swati (Ru, Re, Ro, Ta, Roo) 53