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All About Indian Baby Girl Names and Meanings

IndianBabyNames is the authoritative website for naming your baby girl since 2003. We specialise in helping you choose the best Indian name for your baby girl. Research the meaning of names, history, origin, etymology, and fun name facts for first and last names.

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Baby Name Meaning Origins Nakshatra View Count
Pavani One of many names of Goddess Ganga signifying her as holy, sacred and a cleanser of all sins Indian 25
Pavanne Pavan, Pavone are old names or words for music and Indian 25
Pavanrekha Wife of Ugrasena, Mother of Kamsa, One of many names of Goddess Ganga Indian 25
Payal Anklet, Anklets, An ornament which is worn by Indian women on their feet Indian Uttara Phalguni (To, Pa, Pi) 37
Payoda Cloud, The vast sky and cloud, milk giver Indian Uttara Phalguni (To, Pa, Pi) 36
Payodhi Sea, Ocean, A name given to the sea and ocean Indian Uttara Phalguni (To, Pa, Pi) 40
Payoja Lotus, Lotus, One of many names of Goddess Lakshmi Indian Uttara Phalguni (To, Pa, Pi) 35
Pehir Hour, Time, Phase, time of day, A variant spelling is Pehr Indian 36
Pehr Phase, Time of day, Hour, Time, Phase, time of day, A variant spelling is Pehir Indian Chitra (Pe, Po, Ra, Ri) 37
Phalguna One of names of Arjuna, One whose birth star is Falguni, Name of a month in Spring Season, Indian 28
Phalguni The day of the full Moon, The month of Phalguna, Full moon day in the month of Phalgun, One whose birth star is Falguni, Name of a month in spring season Indian Purvashada (Bhu, Dha, Pha) 35
Phoolan Flowering, Blooming, Flower, Flowering, Blooming, Beautiful, Soft and Tender like a flower Indian 34
Phutika Beloved, A lovely and beloved individual Indian 33
Piaar Love, Attachment, Beloved, Dear, One who is close to heart Indian 27
Pinakini Bow shaped, Armed with a bow, A river, Bow shaped, Curve Indian Uttara Phalguni (To, Pa, Pi) 27
Pinga Goddess Durga, A bowstring, A kind of yellow pigment, An epithet of Durga, One of many names of Goddess Durga Indian Uttara Phalguni (To, Pa, Pi) 37
Pingla Goddess Lakshmi, Goddess Durga, One of many names of Goddess Durga Indian Uttara Phalguni (To, Pa, Pi) 34
Pith Father Indian 28
Pitha Father Indian 45
Pivari Consort of Sukha, A wife of Sukha Indian Uttara Phalguni (To, Pa, Pi) 31
Piyusha Milk, Amrit, Drink that makes one immortal, An elixir that gives immortality Indian Uttara Phalguni (To, Pa, Pi) 29
Pooja Idol worship, Divine Ritual, Prayer, worship, Spiritual Offering Indian Hastha (Pu, Poo, Sha, Tha) 41
Poonam Full Moon, Full moon, Bright, Brilliant, Radiant and Luminant Moon Indian Hastha (Pu, Poo, Sha, Tha) 35
Poorbi A classical melody, From the east, Eastern, The Rising side of Sun Indian Hastha (Pu, Poo, Sha, Tha) 41
Poorineeta Complete, Fullfilment Indian 33