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All About Indian Baby Girl Names and Meanings

IndianBabyNames is the authoritative website for naming your baby girl since 2003. We specialise in helping you choose the best Indian name for your baby girl. Research the meaning of names, history, origin, etymology, and fun name facts for first and last names.

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Baby Name Meaning Origins Nakshatra View Count
Pankajadharini Lotus holder, One who is a holder of Lotus Indian Uttara Phalguni (To, Pa, Pi) 31
Pankhadi Petal, Petal, Soft and Tender like a Flower Petal Indian Uttara Phalguni (To, Pa, Pi) 30
Pankhudi Petal, A very delicate petal Indian Uttara Phalguni (To, Pa, Pi) 30
Pankhuri Petals of flowers, Petal, Soft and Tender like a Flower Petal Indian Uttara Phalguni (To, Pa, Pi) 31
Pankita Line, Sentence, Petal, Soft and Tender like a Flower Petal Indian Uttara Phalguni (To, Pa, Pi) 30
Pankti Line, Sentence, Sentence Indian Uttara Phalguni (To, Pa, Pi) 56
Panna Emerald, The graceful and expensive gem, emerald Indian Uttara Phalguni (To, Pa, Pi) 30
Parajika A Raagini, A sweet and rhyming, a raagini Indian Uttara Phalguni (To, Pa, Pi) 30
Parama The best, Knowledge of truth, Foundation, The best, Ultimate, Most Superior Indian Uttara Phalguni (To, Pa, Pi) 34
Parameshwari Goddess Durga, Supreme ruler, The supreme Goddess, Name of a Raaga composed by Pandit Ravi Shankar, Name of Durga, One of the many names of Goddess Durga Indian Uttara Phalguni (To, Pa, Pi) 37
Parameswari Goddess Durga, Supreme ruler, The supreme Goddess, Name of a Raaga composed by Pandit Ravi Shankar, Name of Durga (Wife of Lord Shiva), A name given to Goddess Durga Indian Uttara Phalguni (To, Pa, Pi) 39
Paramgeet The Highest Song Of Bliss, Most divine song, Spiritualy superior song Indian 35
Paramita Wisdom, Friend of Others, Best Friend, Best Well Wisher Indian Uttara Phalguni (To, Pa, Pi) 37
Paramjog One uniting with the highest, One who is connected with the most ultimate and superior most Lord Indian 31
Paramjot The Highest Light, God'S Light, Ultimate Divine Brightness Indian 34
Paramvir The Greatest Warrior, Ultimate Defender, Superior Fighter and Protector Indian 36
Parasmani Touchstone Indian 32
Paravi Bird, Bird Indian Uttara Phalguni (To, Pa, Pi) 36
Parbarti Surrender, One who is the daughter of the mountains Indian Uttara Phalguni (To, Pa, Pi) 37
Pareet Love, Affection, Compassion, The One Who Loves The Lord Indian 32
Pari Beauty, Fairy, Angel, Fairy, Angel, One who is filled with goodness and is like a life savior Indian Uttara Phalguni (To, Pa, Pi) 57
Paridhi Realm, Limit, Boundary, One who controls our life Indian Uttara Phalguni (To, Pa, Pi) 35
Parina Fairy, Fairy, Angel, One who is filled with goodness and is like a life savior Indian Uttara Phalguni (To, Pa, Pi) 34
Parinita Expert, Complete, Knowledge, Married, Complete, One who fulfills our life, One who brings completion and fulfillment in life Indian Uttara Phalguni (To, Pa, Pi) 28
Parisa Like Paris, Fairy or like a fairy, Beautiful, Angelic Face, A derived name from Pari which means fairy Indian Uttara Phalguni (To, Pa, Pi) 28