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All About Indian Baby Girl Names and Meanings

IndianBabyNames is the authoritative website for naming your baby girl since 2003. We specialise in helping you choose the best Indian name for your baby girl. Research the meaning of names, history, origin, etymology, and fun name facts for first and last names.

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Baby Name Meaning Origins Nakshatra View Count
Eshanka Goddess Parvati, Parvati-consort of Shiva (Wife of Shiva), goddess Parvati or Shiva's wife. Indian, Sanskrit Krithika (A, Ee, U, EA, I, E) 32
Eshita One who desires, Desired, One who seeks, Desirous, one who desires. Indian, Sanskrit Krithika (A, Ee, U, EA, I, E) 32
Eshma Lucky, lucky or whom luck favours. Indian, Sanskrit Krithika (A, Ee, U, EA, I, E) 32
Eshna Desire, a wish. Indian, Sanskrit Krithika (A, Ee, U, EA, I, E) 32
Eshwari supreme goddess or most powerful. Sanskrit, Hindi 33
Esita One who desires, Desired, One who seeks, Desirous, a desired human being. Indian, Sanskrit Krithika (A, Ee, U, EA, I, E) 39
Eswari Goddess (Wife of Lord Shiva), wife of lord Shiva, a name used in India. Indian, Sanskrit Krithika (A, Ee, U, EA, I, E) 36
Eswary a feminized Indian name which means Parvati or wife of Lord Shiva. Indian, Sanskrit 40
Eta Luminous, a feminized word meaning shining. Indian, Sanskrit Krithika (A, Ee, U, EA, I, E) 36
Etapatra dappled leaves. Sanskrit 35
Etasa shining dappled horse or one who desires. Sanskrit 38
Eti it means ending or conclusion. Indian, Sanskrit 31
Etisha Beginning after the end. Sanskrit, Nepali 30
Gatha Refers to melody or hymn or a tale Sanskrit 31
Gaurangi Giver of happiness, Another name of Goddess Radha, Beloved of Lord Krishna, Fair complexioned, Pretty one and charming person like a holy cow. Sanskrit Dhanishta (Ga, Gi, Gu, Ge, Gee) 38
Gavya Garden of God Sanskrit, Nepali Dhanishta (Ga, Gi, Gu, Ge, Gee) 32
Geetika A little song, A small song, Very tiny melodious song. Sanskrit Dhanishta (Ga, Gi, Gu, Ge, Gee) 33
Geetu Variant of Sanskrit word Geet meaning song, Someone who's very special. Sanskrit, Nepali Dhanishta (Ga, Gi, Gu, Ge, Gee) 32
Girija Born of a mountain, Goddess Parvati, Daughter of Himalaya, The meaning of Giriija is Born of The Mountain Indian, Sanskrit Dhanishta (Ga, Gi, Gu, Ge, Gee) 32
Gnapika Intelligent, An intelligent woman. Sanskrit, Nepali 29
Gourangi Giver of happiness, Another name of Goddess Radha, Beloved of Lord Krishna, Fair complexioned, Gaurangi is a composition of two words. Gau which means cow and rangi which means color. Gaurangi means a girl whos color is like cow. Sanskrit Sathabisham (Go, Sa, Si, Su, S, See) 27
Gouri A fair woman, Goddess Parvati, White, Fair, Beautiful, Brilliant, Another name for the earth, Gauri means the girl with milk white color. A sign of beauty. Sanskrit Sathabisham (Go, Sa, Si, Su, S, See) 31
Govindi A devotee of Lord Krishna, The persons with this name loves the beauty of nature, creativity and responsibility. Ready to do the sacrifice. Sanskrit Sathabisham (Go, Sa, Si, Su, S, See) 32
Griva Girls who has beautiful singing neck, A woman with a beautiful singing voice. Sanskrit, Nepali 36
Haima Goddess Parvati, Snow, Made of gold, Another name for the river Ganges, An Apsara or celestial nymph, Persistance in love, Snow, Goddess Parvati Sanskrit Punarvasu (Ke, Ko, Ha, Hi) 58